Pet Peeves

Jordan Del Priore

Take me to Being Talked Down To
Take me to Talking While Eating
Take me to People Not Wearing Masks During The Pandemic

Being Talked Down To

quote that says I'm so over today, I'm constantlybeing talked down to and I can't take it anymore

Being talked down to is the absolute worst thing ever. Just have a normal conversation with me and be polite. There is absolutely no reason that you should be addressig me in an impolite manner, its excessive, rude, and no one will leave theconversation in a good mood. I'm not the kind of person that is going to sit there and be berated for no reason so if you're going to talk down to me, be prepared for me to talk back to you in the same manner, and maybe even up the anti a level or two just to get my point across.

Talking While Eating

man talking on his mobile phone and eating a burger

Why in the world do people have the audacity to talk with a mouthful of food? Just finish chewing and swallow your food. Its not that big of a deal to hold your thought for the extra like 3 seconds while you finish eating. Its so incredibly rude and theres no way anyone finds talking whileeating remotely attractive so all you're doing is pushing people away when you do this. You're an adult, not a child, come on.

People Not Wearing Masks During The Pandemic

Stop being so inconsiderate, jeez. By not wearing a mask, not only do you put yourself at risk, but you put your family and friends at risk, because even if you don't catch Covid and have symptoms, you could be asymptomatic and spread the disease to your loved ones. You all act like masks are such an inconvinience when in reality, they have been proven to not affect oxygen levels in your blood, and they only take a few second to put on. Start acting like adults and just wear a mask so we can get past this pandemic and go back to life as normal.